In this week’s vlog, Anthony chats with an Auditor about making the text your own as a foreigner.Read more
In this week’s vlog, Anthony chats with an Auditor about making the text your own as a foreigner.Read more
It is with a saddened heart that we have suspended operations in our studios due to the concerns around Coronavirus (COVID-19). We will resume classes when it has been deemed safe to do so, hopefully sooner than later.* We very much hope that these preventative measures, while difficult in the short term, will provide aRead more
When we’re “molting,” or in a period of transformation, it leaves us feeling vulnerable and exposed. It can be messy, uncomfortable, and may even come with some growing pains. But, the truth is, our relationship with this stage doesn’t have to be negative. We get to choose how we honor our journey. Learn how toRead more
When we talk about “getting into character” we often imagine an intense and complicated process that transforms us into someone else. But, often it’s a simple as disengaging with the critical voice in our heads that keeps us from living fully inhabited in our bodies and our voice. When we do that, we allow ourselvesRead more
In our acting, it can be easy to cling to the tangible, the one certainty, the text. But, when we lead from our IDEA of what the words are saying, we deny the reality and the circumstances of the moment in favor of ‘ego-friendly’ control. Learn how to lead from the truth and have theRead more
“Stop walking through the world looking for confirmation that you don’t belong. You will always find it because you’ve made that your mission.” – Brené Brown Her words ultimately reiterate something we’ve been talking about for a long time, confirmation bias. That what you are looking to find and to see, you will. But, howRead more
In times of tragedy and loss, it can be easy to succumb to the fear and pain it triggers in us. But, ultimately there is a greater calling to allow death, something inextricably linked to life, to encourage us to make the most of our moments, to put our grievances in perspective, and ultimately liveRead more
There are times we wish it could all just be EASY. That we had the answers. That we could meet our goals, achieve our dreams, and tick the boxes in an orderly and simple fashion. But, that’s not life. And that’s a good thing! For it’s in the journey, the pitfalls, the conflict and theRead more
In our need for control and for answers, we’re often searching for the right formula in acting. The step-by-step process that’s magically going to get us ‘there’. But, what if the true magic is in the unknown and the unexpected? Learn to trust the mystery, with Tony, in this week’s VLOG.Read more
Our acting work is often a mirror for how we exist and interact in our day-to-day lives. With so much going on in the world it can be easy to shut down, to not feel, to disconnect. But, when we do that we deny ourselves the beauty of our own vulnerability and that shows upRead more
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